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PhD student Arjun Chhetri receives Spring 2022 Student Faculty Research Award (SFRA)

Dr. Saha and his Ph.D. student, Arjun Chhetri, were awarded the Spring 2022 Student Faculty Research Award (SFRA).

Arjun Chhetri

Arjun Chhetri is a second-year graduate student at the Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

His research focuses on understanding soil nitrogen dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions from organic grain production systems. His interest in understanding biogeochemical processes contributing to nitrous oxide gas emissions led to achieving the SFRA grant.

This award will enable him to conduct research on organic systems concentrating on unraveling biogeochemical controls on hot moments of soil nitrous oxide emissions during progressive cover crop residue decomposition. He will learn molecular and natural abundance isotopomer techniques to identify nitrous oxide production processes.

Best wishes for his research in the future.